• Installation and protocol docking of ecological flow monitoring equipment for small hydropower stations in Hebei Province


    1. Cooperate with customers to select points and choose solutions

    The customer's on-site discharge outlet is a channel that requires a low-cost monitoring solution. Eventually, a radar water level gauge paired with a rectangular thin-walled weir was selected for measurement. The channel was hardened on site as needed, and a thin-walled weir was made of steel plates. Radar water level gauge data was collected through a telemetry terminal RTU, and flow calculation was performed using hydraulic building flow measurement standards.


    Site selection

    Start making brackets and construction




    Installation of water level gauge completed

    2. Parameter configuration


    According to the schematic diagram, parameters such as weir width, height, and water depth need to be provided on site, and then configured in the telemetry terminal.


    Parameter configuration in telemetry terminal

    3. Equipment wiring data online


    On site equipment wiring



    Viewing the data on the platform, the on-site installation has been completed and the data has been uploaded to the Water Testing Home Cloud Platform.

    4.Data docking to regulatory platform

    According to the data access requirements of the ecological flow monitoring platform for small hydropower stations in Hebei Province, carry out data access development.



    The document requires the use of the water resources monitoring data transmission protocol SL/T 427-2021, and then communicates with the platform to obtain the test message. It was found that the platform is using the SL/T 427-2021 protocol, but the uploaded data is not HEX encoded and requires ASCII encoding. After consulting the SL/T 427-2021 protocol, it was found that it is basically the same as the SZY-2021 protocol, and the message format is as follows:


    The difference found through comparison is the time label in the additional information, which supports year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The previous SZY-2021 time label did not include year and month.

    5. Start developing programs and customize and modify RTU protocols



    6. Upgrade the device remotely and contact the platform to confirm successful data upload

    Through the remote configuration platform of Water Testing Home, the telemetry terminal on site was upgraded remotely. After the upgrade was completed, the platform was contacted to confirm successful data docking, and the installation and launch were completed.

    遥测终端机     雷达水位计

                                                                                                                Telemetry terminal RTU                                                        Radar water level gauge

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